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Learn more about our Facebook group and page.

Illinois Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities - Do you live in Illinois and have a teen or adult child with a developmental disability -- autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, cognitive impairment, Down Syndrome or other?


Many of us have worked and continue to work toward a broader, more comprehensive menu of services, supports and funding strategies in Illinois. But IN THE MEANTIME, our children get older and age out of the public school systems. We need to be empowered, as families, to forge collaborative ventures with other families and interested civic, business or professional leaders in our local areas…to make real, positive changes in our local communities so that our young people do not exit special education with nothing to do.



August 24, 2020 IPADDUnite released their 2020 Community Living Report, which evaluates every member of the Illinois General Assembly, and the Governor based on their support or opposition to ten new state laws. This scorecard is a tool intended for use by Illinois citizens and organizations concerned about quality community living for persons with disabilities.



Press Release
IPADD (Illinois Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities) calls for Illinois to immediately revise its Medicaid eligibility system.


20th anniversary of Olmstead
Get ready to celebrate as we approach the 20th anniversary of Olmstead in the year 2019.



Testimony Submitted to the
Joint House-Senate Human Services Committee


On Abuse and Neglect Taking Place at Group Homes
For Individuals with Developmental Disabilities...

IPADD's purpose is to give Illinois parents, self-advocates, adult sibs and others who care about adults with developmental disabilities a dedicated online platform for networking, advocacy and information-sharing so that we know what's happening around the state. Our primary focus areas are: Employment, Community Service, and Rec/Leisure opportunities; Effective Transition Planning; Transportation; Housing; and how to pay for all of it.




Governor Rauner Proclaims DSP Jobs “Vital”, Then Two Days Later Vetoes Wage Bill

June 7, 2018

Excellent summary of issues surrounding the Medicaid auto-rejects many  have experienced, condensed into a detailed (and long) letter sent to Director Norwood and Secretary Dimas

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