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Advocacy Toolkit 2016

IPADD-developed One-Pagers, PPT Templates to share your son/daughter/siblings' story with legislators.



March 14, 2016

Created by our friends at the Alliance, a statewide self-advocacy group, these picture/word combinations can be cut and pasted into your PPT Template to take to a legislative meeting. Excellent and respectful way to communicate for those who rely on visual supports to tell their story.

March 14, 2016

Customize this PPT template to suit yourself, your son/daughter/sibling to tell their story to legislators. Add photos or select pictures from IPADD Pix for PPT Template list. Excellent way to support a person who has intellectual / developmental disabilities.


March 14, 2016

IPADDUnite 2016 priorities

March 14, 2016

List of elected officials in Illinois

October 20, 2015

Personal needs items paid for by individuals in CILA and ICFDDs

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Resources are provided for your reference.  Please note that these resources may contain dated information.


If you would like to add resources to this collection, please contact us.

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